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WIBGI software wish lists – “wouldn’t it be great if …” – might stimulate improvements in legal department software

WIBGI as an acronym for “wouldn’t it be great if ….” appears in stimulating article by Nathan Myhrvold in the Harvard Bus. Rev., March 2010 at 47. The acronym set me to thinking that its application could power some productive improvements in law departments.

Rather than pre-define potential software investments in terms of recognizable packages – matter management, corporate secretary, word processing, knowledge databases – a department might give rein to some lawyers to sit back and dream. “Wouldn’t it be great if …” context-specific search offered me examples of drafting while I write without any effort on my part. “Wouldn’t it be great if …” I could speak to my laptop to generate checklists and guidelines as I draft, and have them attach to the document as a comment automatically. “Wouldn’t it be great if … “ invoices came to me with a bio and picture of the lawyers who charge time and an evaluation of the firm from various online rating groups. It’s a fun and easy game to play yet the real-world benefits are palpable.

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