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Using Law School Students as Interns

I know two New York City law departments that each year bring in a couple of third-year law school students as interns.  The departments pay them a very modest stipend and try to find them tasks that are interesting and useful.

This is a commendable process.  Law school students will welcome something more meaningful to do and they can be low-cost manpower for a department.  The interns can take on administrative tasks that need completion.  Over time, too, if more law departments introduced law students to the in-house alternative, the flow of talent into law departments would continue to improve.  Even if those students never join a law department, as practicing lawyers they will have a smidgen better understanding of the in-house life.

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One response to “Using Law School Students as Interns”

  1. I have been using virtual law clerks who work as independent contractors from whatever school they attend. It is an incredibly successful program. Law students get to work flex hours. Assignments are defined and allocate a number of hours to complete the assignment as well as deliverables.