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Three uncommon methods to visualize law department data: box plots, mosaic plots and heat maps

My article published in the National Law Journal on April 8, 2013 discusses three innovative forms of graphics.  Mosaic plots, box plots, and heat maps can represent all kinds of data that law department managers care about.  It offers some examples of each kind of graphic after explaining what they look like.  If you would like to learn more about these techniques, please click here for the article.  13-04-08 grahics of mosaic box and heat NLJ Rees Morrison.

In general, the law department industry has only just begun to figure out what data it can efficiently generate;, how to represent that data graphically, in tables or in other forms; and what analyses are made possible by that combination.


If you appreciate graphical presentations of data, take the GC Metrics 2013 benchmark survey.  Here is the UR: T here is no cost to complete the quick, confidential survey and get the five Releases.  Aside from some demographic questions like name, email and industry, the survey asks for six 2012 figures: number of lawyers, paralegals, and other staff; inside and external legal spend; and revenue.

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