The Small Law Department Compensation Survey, conducted in the summer of 2008 by ACC and Empsight, collected responses from 337 organizations. The average revenue of the companies was $500 million with the median revenue of $152 million. A year or so ago I published an article about these three metrics.
Staff: Even among this smaller size group, where there is at least one attorney the ratio of one lawyer to one non-lawyer holds. Most law departments hit a balance of approximately equal staff numbers.
Revenue Supported: Attorneys per $100 million of revenue is equal to 1.1 (median) which works out to 4.4 lawyers per billion. This benchmark metric (plus or minus a lawyer) holds fairly well for most law departments.
Spend: The US legal spending per million is $5,481 (median) which translates as 0.55 percent of revenue. That figure is representative for many US legal departments.