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Rees Morrison Morsels #47 – small additions to previous posts

More security measures for law departments. Earlier, I commented on a couple of methods (See my posts of Sept. 4, 2006; and June 6, 2006 for fingerprints.). The Wilson Quarterly, Vol. 31, Spring 2007 at 76, describes two other progressive techniques for identifying users. Security companies sell software that asks users to key in their passwords several times. After that, the program will permit someone to access to a program only if the keystroke timing is sufficiently similar to the original baseline typing. “The software is much cheaper than sophisticated alternative means of identification such as retinal scanning and other forms of biometrics.” Mouse clicking also provides another means to tag and identify users. Software maps signatures or doodles a user typically makes with the mouse; tests that pair such “click prints” with a password are more than 95 percent accurate.

Shoot, we have it all wrong on firing law firms. A covey of surveys have flushed out statistics about law departments gunning down law firms right and left. All those findings triggered skepticism in me and I barreled into writing an article, published recently by Legal Times. Readers might like to rifle through it. I should be shot if my target involves those in the blind leading the blind.

Example of open layout law department. NRG Energy employs 11 lawyers in its law department, six of whom work in offices that are arranged in an open layout. One of the discouraging aspects of that arrangement, as the general counsel, Drew Murphy explains in GC Mid-Atlantic, May 2007 at 27, is that his office layout leaves him little space for piling up papers.