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Perplexing data on users of e-billing software

The website of LegalMaster lists approximately 131 companies and what seems to be the e-billing system their law department uses. After some scrubbing of that data, I can pass on below the number of users for two dozen packages and their percentage of the website’s group.

CSC Litigation Advisor 34 (26%)

CT Tymetrix 24 (18%)

Lexis/Nexis Examen 11 (8.4%)

Datacert 11 (8.4%)

Allegient 7

Bottomline 7

Serengeti 5

Legal Bill Review 4

LRI (Legal Review, Inc.) 4

Others on the website with fewer users listed are ELF, LAS (Law Audit Services), Tripoint and Visibility (3 each), Legalgard Litigation Advisor, ValidZone and Direct Invoice (2 each), as well as BES, Bridgeway (eCounsel), CounselLink, Direct Commerce, LAWTRAC, Petersen, and Stuart, Maue, Mitchell & James (1 each).

Meanwhile, the International Legal Technology Association (ILTA) 2008 Law Department Survey at 10 lists seven electronic invoicing providers used by the 45 law departments that responded to the survey.

DataCert (14%)

CT TyMetrix and Direct Invoice (7% each)

Lexis/Nexis Examen and eCounsel (5% each)

Serengeti and Bottomline Legal eXchange (2% each)

Other (14%)

None (43%)

It is hard to reconcile these two sources of market share. The most glaring difference is the dominance of CSC Litigation Advisor on the LegalMaster site and its complete absence on the ILTA survey. Most of the other vendors with some market share have reasonably similar percentages, but there are many more packages listed on Legalmaster.

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