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More analysis of the 120 best posts on this blog from May 2009 — May 2010: thinking

Posts on outside counsel predominate but a chunk of the selected posts have to do with thinking. (Email me if you would like the entire 28-page collection.) That a dozen of the topics cluster that way set me thinking.

First, the most core of core competencies for in-house lawyers is to think well. Without clear, complete, and compelling thought, to hope for career success is stupid.

Second, ideas matter for those who manage legal functions and this blog succeeds only to the extent that the ideas it shares find homes. This blog doesn’t traffic in descriptive detail nor in cuteness about Marley dogs. It is not gossipy nor late breaking on politics, celebrities, sports or food. No cult of personality pervades. Instead, this blog presents ideas that general counsel can use in their departments. It is unabashedly intellectual in the sense that what it offers are distilled managerial concepts.

A third reason for the frequent “best” posts on thinking is that the field is less well cultivated. Creativity, concentration, cognitive biases, and cerebral ability in general has come into its own relatively recently. Economics, sociology, psychology, and management disciplines of all kinds have been with us for generations, but insights into how our neurons fire have been latecomers.

Fourth, I like ideas. Think no more, Rees.

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