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Mitratech survey of law department spending and one unexpected result about GRC

One question on a recent Mitratch survey regarding law department technology asked respondents “Do you currently invest in” and listed six classes of law department software. In order of declining percentages, the responses checked off by respondents were matter management systems (72% said they were invested in it), e-billing (52%), governance, risk and compliance (41%), e-discovery (41%), contract management (37%), and entity management (25%).

What seems noteworthy to me from this prioritization finding is the governance, risk and compliance showing. If that class includes online training software for the likes of FCPA, discrimination, antitrust and other common concerns, I can understand the relatively high ranking. In fact, most large corporations have some required training modules. Other than those applications, however, I am at a loss for what kinds of software applications the respondents might have invested in.

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