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Law firms and lawyers on LinkedIn – learn more about firms you have hired or might hire

A post of November 24th on Kevin O’Keefe’s excellent Lexblog praises LinkedIn. “LinkedIn [has attracted] hundreds of thousands of practicing lawyers and corporate counsel. Every major law firm in the country has a LinkedIn profile providing detailed demographic information.” A touch exaggerated, but it suggests that LinkedIn has penetrated the legal community deeply. Since LinkedIn is free, this represents not only a way to find out more about law firms, but also a way to establish very narrowly defined communities of practice. Invite all your fellow international, nuclear-plant tax aficionados to gather online – both of you!

I have a group on LinkedIn, that close to a hundred in-house lawyers have joined, on the fascinating topic of, well, can’t you guess (See my post of Sept. 22, 2008: social networks such as LinkedIn, with 7 references; Oct. 12, 2008: survey data on networks; and Jan. 7, 2009: Xing.)?

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One response to “Law firms and lawyers on LinkedIn – learn more about firms you have hired or might hire”

  1. Kevin OKeefe says:

    Is it in an exageration to say that every major law firm in the country has a company profile on LinkedIn? Are you aware of 1 firm in the AmLaw 200, widely accepted as the 200 largest law firms in the country, that does not have a corporate profile at LinkedIn? I’m not, I think they’re all there by virtue of employing lawyers and other legal professionals who have registered at and completed LinkedIn profiles.