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Goal based training on software and its application in law departments

Am. Legal Tech. Insider, Aug. 2011 has an item on page 7 about Capensys, a software training company. It trains users on Microsoft’s Office 2010 as well as other applications used in law firms.

Capensys “employs a goal-based training approach that begins by interviewing lawyers and staff to determine how they work and what they need to know. From this, learning objectives are established and the training blend determined to deliver better targeted, shorter training sessions.” If lawyers in law departments could spend a few minutes being interviewed online regarding their skill level and interest in an application, such as a matter management system, theoretically the training could much better match their needs.

Capensys offers a variety of ways to present the training. “The training blend includes marketing videos, scenario-based e-learning, hands-on workshops and post-rollout coaching.” I like the idea of just-in-time training and training by a variety of methods to appeal to differences in people’s learning styles. Some people read; some like to watch; others want to learn by doing (See my post of Nov. 3, 2009: training lawyers on software with 14 references.).

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