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Data on time tracking by legal departments in recent survey

Surprisingly, of the law departments that completed the ALM benchmarking inquiry about recording lawyer time, 9 of them said they track it and 41 said they did not. However, if we assume that the 32 non-replies were also denials of time tracking, then overall about one out of nine law departments track time (9 out of 82). This ratio is in line with, or a bit higher than, estimates typically seen. It is not my impression that time tracking is resurgent.

To learn more about the Law Department Metrics Benchmark Survey of ALM Legal Intelligence, click here for ALM’s website.

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One response to “Data on time tracking by legal departments in recent survey”

  1. emma says:

    Good to know that data on time tracking by legal departments is in survey since time tracking has become a integral part of day to day life. Whether its personal or business project requirement time tracking solutions have become like hot cakes. However one should always look for the benefits and features of real time tracking data. We had been using Replicon’s time tracking ( product suite which is indeed an awesome tool. Has great usability features and totally hassle free web based application.