Intrigued by the handful of patents or patent applications pertinent to general counsel that have come to light, I foraged on Free Patents Online. I searched in abstracts of a US database for the term “legal.” That term came up with 142,231 “matches,” which were ranked by some mysterious score that started at 1,000 and went down.
Wading in, I plucked out 16 from among the first 50 that each appear from the abstract to have some relevance to law department managers. Fourteen are applications for patents, which I cover in a later post (See my post of Jan. 23, 2009: some intriguing US patent applications.). Two of them are granted patents: one for a computer-based RFP system and the other for a web-based Legal Management System, which I believe GE may have patented (See my post of Dec. 23, 2008: GE’s web-based Legal Management System.).
Other patents of interest to law departments have appeared on this blog (See my post of Dec. 11, 2007: law departments with software to license and patents; Dec. 23, 2008: Chevron Texaco’s patent application; Jan. 25, 2006: American Express’ patent on law department method; Feb. 8, 2006: FMC patented process; and Jan. 23, 2008: strategic planning and analysis.).