Valentine’s day deserved a heart-warming, feel-good hug of an item – but look what turned up.
On the internet, “general counsel” and “love,” produced a heart-stopping 803,000 hits. Too much love. So I tried “general counsel” and “valentine,” which dropped the hits to 106,000. Still overcome by emotion, I narrowed the search to “general counsel” and valentine’s day, with 36,900 hits, although “valentine’s day” lopped some off to 33,800.
In the end, unsatisfied in my quest for a romantic piece on CLOve (sorry), I shot Cupid’s arrow at “general counsel” and “valentine’s day” and “love.” The 2,270 hits seduced me into scanning several pages, but my search was unrequited. No warm and fuzzies, no tearful affection, no nothing.