Critics can assail the morality of in-house lawyers on several grounds. Here are some that occur to me but are not at all necessarily agreed to by me.
Capitalism has taken its share of blows for being inherently immoral. Corporate counsel help their companies make profits and handsomely reward the executives who manage the enterprise. Companies compete against each other, which means that many of them close shop, lay off workers, and destroy the savings of lifetimes.
The goods and services associated with all manner of companies outrages critics, who lambaste the production of landmines, soap operas, tight jeans, colas, botox, or whatever else they hold to be morally wrong. To environmentalists, a good portion of our national output wastes resources and violates nature. To animal rights advocates, cruelty is rampant. To pacifists, the military-industrial complex is soaked in blood. And so on.