Bain & Company’s Management Tools and Trends 2007 at slide 5, reports on the degree to which 1,221 international executives agreed to certain statements. The most consensus, where some 91 percent of the executives agreed, was for the statement that “culture is as important as strategy for business success.”
This finding suggests to me that whatever culture is in a law department may have more to do with the law department’s success (however you measure that) than does strategic planning by the general counsel and senior lawyers..
Regrettably, it is difficult to come to grips with the meaning for law departments of the term “culture” (See my posts of June 4, 2007 on culture; Feb. 4, 2006 on the three keys to culture; May 4, 2005 and Nov. 16, 2005 on smoke and mirrors; and Dec. 21, 2005 on that term as it applies to law department alignment with clients.). For one difficulty, it is hard to separate “culture” from “values” (See my posts of May 31, 2006 about how all management expresses values, and four references; Oct. 22, 2006 about the importance of culture and values; Feb. 16, 2006 on organizational DNA and culture; and Dec. 9, 2005 #1.)