The ALSP Update, Vol. 1, Dec. 2007 at 9, the monthly newsletter of the Association of Litigation Support Professionals(See my post of Jan. 27, 2008 on ALSP.), talks about the Yahoo Groups LitSupport listserv. A listserv is a way for people to post messages in threaded discussions and read others’ messages by topic.
This particular listserv has been running for more than a decade and currently has over 7,000 subscribers. It has amassed some 35,000 messages. Related to the substantive listserv is a LitSupport-Announce list where job openings are posted.
I mention this resource because it may be useful for law department lawyers and staff who have some responsibility for e-discovery and litigation support (See my post of Nov. 13, 2007 on internal e-discovery groups.). Listservs are yet another way those who care about management issues in law departments can keep abreast of the latest thinking and meet others who share their interests.