The Institute for the Advancement of the American Legal System (IAALS), part of the University of Denver, recently published a survey report. The academics who conducted the survey of legal departments excel in their background explanation of how they accumulated and organized the data in the report. All surveyors should emulate such methodological clarity and completeness.
Source of Population Sent the Survey: The IAALS obtained the mailing list of the Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) and removed duplicates or multiple names for the same company. Once the list was ready for survey administration, it contained 5,257 individual email addresses. All surveys should clearly describe the group to whom they sent surveys.
Effort. The IAALS, teaming with survey specialists, sent the group four e-mails during November 2009 through January 2010. All four e-mails contained instructions for requesting a hard-copy version of the survey. All surveyors should explain what they did to obtain their data.