
Typical in-house lawyer in the US can take a month of vacation each year

InsideCounsel, May 2008 at 61, reports that of the1200 in-house counsel who responded to its career satisfaction survey, nearly two-thirds of them (63.6%) get more than 15 vacation days annually. I assume that means the plurality gets four weeks per year.

Since at some companies you have to work there for some number of years – five is a common mark – to qualify for four weeks of vacation, a group of the respondents simply had not qualified yet. A more precise question would have asked, “What is the maximum amount of vacation a lawyer at your level can earn in a year?”

Nevertheless, my assumption is that nearly all veteran in-house lawyers in the United States are entitled to take at least a month of vacation every year (See my posts of June 30, 2007: workaholics; May 18, 2007: vacation days taken in law departments; April 23, 2006 and April 1, 2005: sabbaticals for in-house counsel; and Dec. 12, 2006: “extreme jobs.”).