
Twelve benefits for you when you take part in the 600+ department benchmark study

The September release of the General Counsel Metrics benchmark survey will have more than 600 law departments in it. No wonder, since there are at least a dozen good reasons to submit your department’s data:

  1. Find out how you compare against peers by industry, country, revenue and number-of-lawyers
  2. Speak the language of CFOs and CEOs: metrics
  3. Obtain aggregated data on four times as many departments as the next largest survey
  4. Get your report in one month
  5. Invest less than 10 minutes filling out the confidential, online survey
  6. Provide only fundamental and well-known metrics: staffing, spending, and revenue
  7. No charge for the standard report if you provide your data
  8. See metrics globally — more than 36 countries and half are not US-based
  9. Order any of three customized reports to learn more
  10. Compare your department to medians on staffing and spending for your region
  11. Learn from at least 1,625 different metrics
  12. Join a growing community of benchmark proponents

Submit your data and you will receive the third release, a 70-page report. Click through for the online survey (you can remain anonymous) that asks for your 2009 figures on legal staffing and spending.