
This blog, seven years old today!

Who would have thought it? Started on a whim, encouraged by Aric Press for ALM’s fledgling network of blogs, survivor of bitter opposition within Hildebrandt, unsure of its focus or style or reception or longevity, awkward in its use of technology for blogging, somehow this blog has kept calm and carried on.

Seven years and today thousands of readers every week, few known to me but everywhere I go. “Oh, Rees, I read your blog!”

Seven years of averaging more than five posts every two days, rain or shine.

Seven years of metaposts that cluster related posts, not to mention three “blooks” of posts on outside counsel, talent and structure.

Learning and marveling at the software swirling around blogs, like SiteMeeter, FeedBurner, Twitter, LlinkedIn, Pinhaw,, TinyURLs, TweetDeck, RSS feeds of every kind, Google Analytics, Pulse, .jpg ads, icons that animate, Creative Commons, polls, ads, blog rolls, archives, and much more.

Seven years trying to write clearly and engagingly, in syncopation with articles monthly in Legal Times (now the National Law Journal), all supplemented in the past two years with a bi-weekly column for InsideCounsel.

LawDepartmentManagement, Rees Morrison’s labor of blog, looks forward enthusiastically to at least another seven years.