
The portmanteau of one package of board-member software

A portmanteau capaciously holds many household objects. One analogue in software is a program, BoardVantage, that holds a range of software capabilities. BoardVantage’s eponymous creator has built into the Swiss-knife program its own encryption software, its own email capabilities, its own electronic shredder, its own annotation tool, its own document management, its own conferencing software (like WebEx), and its own survey capabilities (like SurveyMonkey).

Now that’s an awesome array of proprietary software that borrows from many other kinds of software but is all packed together. All of this is in service of Board members securely and easily accomplishing what they need to do (See my posts of Aug. 9, 2006 on the merger of corporate secretary and Board software; and Oct. 1, 2006 on matter management software joined with corporate service-of-process software.).