These ten posts got the most views and clicks (the numbers in parenthesis) since January 16, 2007, when I first signed up for FeedBurner. What seems odd is that all of the posts are from March through May of this year.
Unfortunately, other than that four of them concern outside counsel, I cannot see any pattern in what was popular (See my post of May 8, 2009: e-billing systems 245/81; March 16, 2009: offshore case study 239/34; Feb. 22, 2009: contract management software 233/51; March 26, 2009: effect of associate layoffs 221/58; April 29, 2009: ACC Covenant 209/84; March 1, 2009: compliance at lower cost 207/63; April 15, 2009: convergence of inside and outside costs per hour April 6, 2009: client training 200/76; and March 11, 2009: lawyers per billion 170/140.).
During the 28 months, LawDepartmentManagementBlog had 64,697 views of 463 items as well as 66,841 clicks back to the site on 861 items. As of this writing, about 575 people have subscribed to this blawg through a feed.