
The cottage industry for law departments adds some rooms (well, posts)

Several times in the past I have pointed out the swarm of vendors and service providers who market to legal departments. They make up the cottage industry.

In the past year or so, several more posts provide information about more denizens of the cottage. Most concern those who license, implement and support specialized software (See my post of Dec. 27, 2010: seventeen applications commonly used by law departments; Jan. 17, 2011: a patent document management system, First to File; Jan. 23, 2011: patent databases, mapping and classification; April 22, 2011: software for corporate governance, corporate secretarial, and publicly-traded functions; June 15, 2011: software to help handle contracts; and July 11, 2011: five specialized packages for law departments.).

Others posts delve into service providers (See my post of April 6, 2011: ranked list of top-ten trademark services providers; Feb. 15, 2011: mostly small vendors in the legal cottage industry, so rewards and risks increase for general counsel; and Feb. 25, 2008: service providers for bill and regulation tracking.).