
The accumulation of metaposts posts on this blog about RFPs and competitive

Examples have appeared in the past two years of specific legal departments and how they handled aspects of their RFP processes (See my post of May 5, 2008: NEC NA; June 10, 2008: Exelon’s multiple RFPs; June 10, 2008: RFP for single matters with Votartium Investments; Sept. 12, 2008: Pfizer’s massive process; Feb. 14, 2009: CA and its RFP process; Oct. 24, 2009: claimed savings by GE Canada; and May 13, 2009: FMC.).

They join the plethora of posts already present on proposals (See my post of March 30, 2008: RFP with 22 references; Oct. 11, 2010: RFP posts with 36 references; and Aug. 15, 2008: competitive bids with 35 references.).

Other metaposts address beauty contests and related topics (See my post of March 16, 2009: rigged competitions with 6 references; April 16, 2009: incumbent firms with 11 references; May 28, 2010: bidders’ conferences in connection with RFPs with 6 references.).