
Still time to get Release 3.0 in October of the GCM benchmark survey: 490+ participants and no cost

The 409 companies so far in the General Counsel Metrics (GCM) global survey report that all together they have 9,900 lawyers (median 7) and 8,212 other legal staff (median 6), which includes paralegals. Their combined legal spend totals $10.2 billion (with a median of $5.6 million) and the revenue of the companies they serve comes to $2.4 trillion (a median of $1.5 billion).

Included in the set so far are law departments from 29 countries, with the US and Canada accounting for seven out of ten participants. Representatives from less-numerous countries include Bermuda, Kuwait, Norway and the UAE. Release 3.0 will have at least 22 industries, including special breakouts for medical devices, national labs, banks (which were combined under Financial Services last year), and possibly two or three more if there are at least six companies in the segment. The largest representation falls under Manufacturing, with 62 departments.

Learn benchmarks for your law department’s staffing and spending. Click here to take the eight-minute confidential survey and get your own confidential, 55-page report by e-mail.