
Relative efficacy of seven ways of learning

In talent mgt, Oct. 2010 at Supp. 7, a pyramid from National Training Laboratories depicts the relative effectiveness of seven ways to learn. The least effective, at the top of the pyramid, is a lecture (given a percentage of 5% but the article does not explain that number). Then comes reading (10%), audio/visual (20%), demonstration (30%), discussion group (50%), practice by doing – which includes simulations (75%), and finally teaching others – which includes writing blog posts! – at 80%. My supposition is that the percentages indicate the relative amount and speed of learning from each method (See my post of Sept. 1, 2008: learning methods with 12 references; and March 11, 2009: experience or learning curve with 9 references.).

Training in law departments upends the pyramid of learning effectiveness. Talks by outside counsel are CLE lectures; reading trade journals and cases happens all the time. However; you could say that on-the-job-training is the most common form of learning in law departments