
Rees Morrison’s Morsels #87 – additions to earlier posts

The difference between a business plan and a strategic plan. A session promoted at an upcoming conference about business plans for law departments suggests that a business plan aligns with the company’s goals for the year and describes the tactics for how it will meet those goals. A strategic plan has a multi-year time horizon and is more visionary. A business plan is to a strategic plan as management is to leadership (See my post of June 25, 2008: strategic plan with 10 references.).

“Subscribe to listservs,” to hear about management techniques. J. Martin Acevedo, general counsel of Companions & Homemakers, recommends listservs in ACC Docket, Vol. 26, Nov. 2008 at 20. According to its website, the Association of Corporate Counsel maintains listservs for Chief Legal Officers, Law Department Executive Leaders, Pro Bono, and Diversity. Are readers aware of other listservs that contribute to law department management?

Statistics about this blog. I have 69 subscribers under BlogLines
Wired GC has 7. BlogPulse tells me that on the dates they track I averaged about 0.00015 percent of all blog posts! Single-handedly! (actually, I type with both hands)
(See my post of Sept. 25, 2008: self-referential posts about this blog, with 41 references.).

Online auction by Intel to offshore for patent applications. Corp. Counsel, Dec. 22, 2008 (David Hechler) states that “a couple of years ago” Intel Corp. put bundles of patent applications up for bid in an online auction. They selected a firm in Australia and a firm in India through the process (See my post of July 30, 2005: electronic auctions have not caught on; and Sept. 4, 2005: GE’s online Dutch auction.).