
Posts on claims management

Every year legions of lawyers and the claims specialists who work with them handle tens of thousands of claims. Insurance companies especially care about this onslaught, what with the billions of dollars they spend each year on claims coverage, defense, and resolutions. Other companies also have claims functions when they face a relatively large and constant flow of allegations or suits..

A fair number of posts on this blog have addressed claims management, although not nearly in proportion to their impact. In part this is because the claims group often operates outside the legal group (See my post of Aug. 21, 2005: tension between lawyers and risk managers on notification of claims; Nov. 14, 2005: partner with law firms on claims management; Nov. 15, 2005: $1 billion+ annual legal spend on claims and performance management at AIG; April 23, 2006: metrics on claims that result in litigation; May 21, 2006: NYC and management of tort claims; April 6, 2007: McDonald’s and management of claims; June 26, 2008: self insurance by large US companies has moved claims to law; March 13, 2008: Council on Ethical Billing; Feb. 11, 2010: publication oriented toward claims management; March 22, 2010: legal privileges and separation of claims from legal; March 29, 2010: Home Depot and changes in claims management; and Sept. 1, 2008: insurance with 12 references.).