
Physical components of legal departments other than individual offices

This blog has passed on thoughts from time to time about the architecture of law departments
(See my post of Sept. 16, 2008: physical layout of offices with 10 references.). It is a rare general counsel who has any significant say in how the overall physical footprint of the department is laid out. Most aspects of infrastructure – hallways, walls, columns, and plumbing – are set in stone, so to speak (See my post of Feb. 7, 2008: infrastructure does not move.).

Despite those constraints, this blog has views on such components as conference rooms (See my post of April 8, 2005: rules for use of conference rooms; May 7, 2006: Computer Associates; and March 1, 2008: reservation systems.) and libraries (See my post of Feb. 24, 2009: libraries with 8 references.).

This blog has comments on other immovables, such as filing shelves (See my post of April 23, 2008: environmental impact of filing cabinets; May 4, 2007: most lawyers prefer piles to files; April 23, 2006: electronic filing obviates paper storage; and Oct. 18, 2006: RFID devices for filing.) and video-conference facilities (See my post of April 27, 2008: video conferencing; Aug. 28, 2008: telepresence; June 22, 2008: as a preferred method to communicate, at 5%; Oct. 3, 2008: ethics training at Lockheed Martin by videoconference; and April 27, 2009: benefits of video-conferences beyond cost control.).