
Performance mapping and key competencies

In the words of Talent mgt., July 2009 at 26, “There are four steps to the performance mapping process. First, develop performance maps. Second, execute real-time evaluation with star performers. Third, document skills tables for key competencies. And finally, talent managers must apply key competencies to their organizations talent management strategies.”

As I understand these steps, a performance map identifies how each role within a department directly affects the success of the company. “Performance maps usually focus on four standard categories: financial objectives, business process improvement objectives, customer satisfaction objectives and employee satisfaction objectives.” These objectives cascade from the company level to the law department level and then to the individual employee role. This first step helps employees identify key competencies that they need to master.

Second, talent managers should speak with standout performers and understand how their abilities have made them successful in their roles. The idea is to replicate strong practices (See my post of July 29, 2007: high potentials with 10 references.).

Third, departmental leaders should write down the core competencies they need in their department and what positions and levels they apply to. Part of this step is to think through how to improve the department in the core competencies (See my post of May 23, 2008: core competence with 12 references.).

Finally, as managers evaluate performance, hire and fire people, assign work and change responsibilities they should integrate the performance map insights into their decisions.