Collective action (See my post of Dec. 19, 2011: collective actions by law departments with 6 references and 1 meta.).
Compliance reports to legal (See my post of Dec. 31, 2011: compliance reporting to GC with 5 references and 2.).
Contract complexity (See my post of Dec. 22, 2011: complexity of contracts with 6 references.).
General counsel behaving badly (See my post of Dec. 14, 2011: poor behavior by GCs with 15 references.).
Indices of concentration, Gini, Herfindahl (See my post of Nov. 30, 2011: measurements of concentration with 6 references.).
Intellectual property IV (See my post of Dec. 29, 2011: IP posts in the 6,000s with 25 references.).
Practice and innate talent (See my post of Dec. 1, 2011: years of deliberate practice leads to expertise with 6 references.).
Risk, recent posts (See my post of Dec. 5, 2011: risk with 7 references.).
Schedules (See my post of Jan. 6, 2011: schedules of in-house lawyers with 6 references.).
Titles II (See my post of Dec. 1, 2011: titles with 8 references and 1 meta.)