
Part LVI in a series of collected metaposts embedded previously

  1. Claims management (See my post of June 14, 2011: management of claims with 11 references.).

  2. Contracts work core to in-house counsel (See my post of June 16, 2011: core function of inside lawyers is contracts with 13 references.).

  3. Contract practices (See my post of June 14, 2011: practices related to contracts with 23 references.).

  4. Contract technology II (See my post of June 15, 2011: contract software with 12 references.).

  5. Contract terms (See my post of June 19, 2011 #4: terms of contracts with 6 references.).

  6. E-discovery III (See my post of June 20, 2011: recent posts on electronic discovery with 12 references.).

  7. Heuristics, rule of thumb (See my post of June 19, 2011: rule of thumb, decision tool with 18 references.).

  8. Law firms and satisfaction interviews of clients (See my post of June 9, 2011: interviews by law firms of law departments with 7 references.).

  9. Trials (See my post of June 28, 2011: trials with 10 references.).

  10. Lists (See my post of June 14, 2011: lists and their advantages with 6 references.).