
Law Department Management Blog


Structure and benchmark observations about Viacom’s legal department

Practical Law, May 2011 at 80, interviews Michael Fricklas, the General Counsel of Viacom. Several points pertinent to law department operations come from that interview. Most strikingly, the $13.5 billion entertainment company has “approximately 240” lawyers. At nearly 20 lawyers for every billion dollars of revenue, Viacom would top the…


Why do all general counsel think their law department is unique?

At the obvious level, they are right. Every person being unique, every law department, a fortiori, is unique. That no-argument point accepted, the felt differences have much less consequence when you look at a department in terms of its processes, structure, culture, software, and other attributes. Then the department shares…


Senior management responsibility for FCPA compliance programs – not the GC?

Guest blogger Jeff Kaplan of Kaplan & Walker LLP writes: A recently launched benchmarking survey (prepared by Dick Cassin of the FCPA Blog, my partner Rebecca Walker and me) asks respondents to indicate whether the general counsel is the senior official who has been designated to oversee their companies’ anti-corruption…


Yet another blog by a former in-house lawyer [metapost blogs by in-house lawyers 16 ]

On her blog, At The Intersection, Pamela H. Woldow writes about such topics as general counsel, legal project management, alternative fee arrangements and what she perceives to be the rising tide of change. A former in-house lawyer turned consultant, Woldow addresses topics of interest both to law firms and law…


It’s so hard for lawyers to learn from mistakes, and five reasons why

Hard on its explanation of “good failures,” an article in the Harvard Bus. Rev., April 2011 at 54, summarizes why organizations struggle to analyze failure constructively and learn from it. One reason is “because examining our failures in depth is emotionally unpleasant and can chip away at our self-esteem.” From…