A survey conducted in the past month by Legalbill obtained data from more than 600 law firm lawyers about their use of UTBMS codes. The survey asked them “To what extent did the clients’ requirement of your use of the UTBMS codes change your billing behavior?” My presupposition was that…
Law Department Management Blog
Columbia Law School and the Council on Litigation Management collaborate to create Certified Litigation Management Professionals
The Council on Litigation Management (CLM) has teamed with Columbia Law School to host the Litigation Management Institute. According to a press release, “The Institute is the first certification program specifically designed to provide attorneys a comprehensive understanding of the business of litigation management.” The Institute, to be limited to…
Should you expect your law firms to scrub their invoices electronically to match your guidelines?
Should you expect your law firms to scrub their invoices electronically to match your guidelines? We learn from the Orange Rag, June 2011 at 3 that “Wilson Legal Solutions has partnered with Invoice Solutions to develop the Invoice Optimizer system. Compatible with LEDES (Legal Electronic Data Exchange Standard), it prescreens…
Reflections on the value of an effort to match legal risks to corporate key objectives
A piece in Met. Corp. Counsel, June 2011 at 12, concerns Enterprise Risk Management (ERM). Aimed at a company level, I tried to bring it down to the legal department level and apply one of its teachings. The authors write that “Linking your risks to strategic objectives is the most…
Unusual visibility into some aspects of the large litigation group at WellPoint
Of the 97 lawyers in WellPoint’s legal department, 27 of them make up its litigation department. That nearly one out of three lawyers in that department litigate puts it at the very highest end of the range of litigation lawyers as a percentage of all lawyers (See my post of…
Survey data shows wider variety of UTBMS litigation codes used than one might think on a typical invoice
The matter cost-control firm Legalbill surveyed some 16,000 lawyers who use its matter management software at one or more of his law department clients. More than 600 responded. One question described a typical invoice and asked the lawyers: “On average how many different UTBMS litigation codes will you use?” Roughly…
Quite a listing of legal department technology used in Brazil
A post in Portuguese on the FDJUR group of LinkedIn, which is for in-house lawyers in Brazil, asked members to respond with the software they are using. [ Qual o software que sua empresa ou escritório utiliza?] I have written about one of them, from Tedesco (See my post of…
Three thresholds for what kinds of cases a law department will handle e-discovery itself
Given the cost and complexity of e-discovery – defined by me as the steps necessary to locate electronic files, preserve them, review them and produce them – some law departments work with their information technology counterparts to do the job internally. They pick which cases to do in-house and turn…
38 retweets of posts from this blog in the last month by 17 people!
For online, tech-savvy lawyers of law departments, one of the ways to keep abreast is Twitter. For example, the posts on this blog appear there under my Twitter handle @ReesMorrison. The headers and text compress automatically through some magical software that I don’t pretend to understand. With somewhat fewer followers…
Benford’s law of digits and their frequency, with an application to invoice review
Benford’s law, named after statistician Frank Benford, holds that in most lists of numbers from real life, the digits in the first place should occur according to a known table of probabilities. For example, the digit 1 should occur 30.1 percent of the time as the right-most digit, the digit…