
Ovations for the “Three Tenors” of current law-department stardom

Who are the Pavarotti, Carreras and Domingo currently singing the leading roles as law department managers and innovators? Tom Sager of DuPont, Mark Chandler of Cisco, and Jeff Carr of FMC Technologies are center stage and the tenor of their contributions has been projected far and wide.

Between the three of them, their opera (plural of opus) on this blog amounts to nearly 80 posts (See my post of Sept. 25, 2008: Cisco with 30 references; June 7, 2009: E.I. DuPont deNemour with 32 references; and June 7, 2009: Jeff Carr and FMC Technologies with 15 references.).

Strong supporting roles are sung by Brad Smith of Microsoft and Brackett Denniston of General Electric (See my post of June 30, 2006: law departments frequently in the management press.).

I say, “Bravissimo! Encore!”