
Outhouse GCs and a blog for companies that have not yet hired an in-house lawyer

At different sizes and times, founders and executives of companies conclude that they need an employee lawyer. Before that point, they hire law firms as they see fit, sometimes relying on one particular firm as their outside general counsel. Daniel J. Alexander II, a lawyer in Tustin, CA, fills an intermediate spot. He blogs at Outhouse General Counsel where he writes:

“As a business owner, you need an experienced business lawyer you can call on to handle these business/legal issues. That is why my partner and I developed our “Out-House” General Counsel practice with the goal of providing business clients with critical corporate legal services replicating, as much as possible, the methods, approach, and style of an “in-house” law department.”

Many lawyers offer to stand in like an in-house generalist lawyer for fledgling companies, but I give this nod to Alexander because he blogs about that role (See my post of Aug. 8, 2006: part-time general counsel; and July 11, 2008: Respironics and split GC role.).