
One and two level reviews done online in Microsoft’s law department

Microsoft’s Department of Legal and Corporate Affairs uses an online tool to let its hundreds of members give feedback on their manager and their manager’s manager. A manager two levels above is referred to as a “skip-level manager.” Only large law departments could even contemplate such depth, but it is a commendable notion, especially the skip level review (See my post of Dec. 26, 2007: 360˚ instruments with 5 references.).

Brad Smith, Microsoft’s General Counsel adds in Practical Law, Dec. 2010/Jan. 2011 at 87, that the survey includes a “short quantitative section” and then asks three questions. “What is the person doing that you really like and want more of?” “What is the person doing that is ineffective and needs to be focused on?” “Is there anything else you would like to say?”

Excellent open-ended questions. They would also serve well on a client satisfaction survey.