
More sources of online information about law departments — BlogPulse

I spent some time recently on Nielsen’s BlogPulse. The site lets you search for terms on the blogosphere (See my post of July 20, 2005: legal blogosphere.). On February 26th BlogPulse proclaimed that it had identified 73,759,332 blogs (yes, 73 million!) and those blogs had amassed 689,868 new posts in the past 24 hours. The teeming universe had actually spawned about 64,000 new blogs during those prior 24 hours.

Naturally, I searched “law department,” and was rewarded wtih 1,168 messages, one of which was a post by me the day before. “Law department” accounts for 0.0010 percent of all blog posts since September 2007. Not to be outdone, the term “legal department” showed even more messages, some 2,539 of them, amounting to 0.0025 of all posts during that six-month period.

With BlogPulse it is possible to track “conversations,” which is when a post is linked to by another blog post. BlogPulse is yet another tool to understand the spread of ideas about law department management (See my post of Feb. 16, 2008: top referring domains.).