
More definitions – constructs – on this blog

All of my definitions are efforts to create constructs (See my post of July 19, 2010: comparing the constructs of risk and value.). For the past five years I have assiduously explained what various terms mean and collected those attempts (See my post of April 8, 2009: five metaposts and references to a total of 96 defined terms defined; and July 19, 2009: eleven more definitions.). At times I have balked at saying what terms mean (See my post of Aug. 24, 2009: four crucial but ill-defined words: complexity, risk, quality, and value.). Mostly, however, the shapeless words I bump into don’t end and readers deserve explanations and distinctions.

This latest batch includes 31 definitions in 22 posts (See my post of June 1, 2009: accruals; May 24, 2010: for surveys, anonymous and confidential; Nov. 10, 2009: consumer surplus; Feb. 25, 2010: contract lawyer and temp lawyer; April 2, 2009: cross selling; Aug. 24, 2009: dedicated IT support; Jan. 25, 2010: fixed vs. flat fee; Oct. 15, 2009: global law department; Jan. 4, 2010: high-potential employee; Oct. 4, 2009: innovation; June 16, 2010: for surveys, litigation; March 25, 2009: local counsel; March 23, 2009: primary law firm; Feb. 9, 2010: process in LPO usage; Dec. 21, 2009 #4: purchase power parity; April 8, 2009: regional law firms; July 31, 2009: revenue; Sept. 9, 2009: role clarity, division of labor, core competencies, delegation, resources, and processes; Oct. 29, 2009: strategic plan; Sept. 29, 2009: termination and turnover rates; Aug 10, 2009: transaction costs; and May 28, 2009: definition of wicked problems.).