
Management acronyms that should be on your GTKL (got to know list)

PDQ learn these (See my post of Nov. 27, 2005: acronyms, jargon and corp-speak.):

EMEA (See my post of Nov. 13, 2007: Europe, Middle East and Africa)

CAGR (See my post of Nov. 26, 2006: compound annual growth rate.)

FAQ – frequently asked questions

FIHA (See my post of Dec. 22, 2006: former in-house attorney.)

HiPo (See my post of July 29, 2007: high potentials with 10 references.)

IQ (See my post of Sept. 21, 2008: intelligence quote with 16 references.)

KPI (See my post of May 30, 2005: key performance indicators.)

LEDES (See my post of Nov. 26, 2008: Legal Electronic Data Exchange Standard.).

LIBOR (See my post of Oct. 7, 2008 #1: London inter-bank offering rate.)

LPO (See my post of June 25, 2008: legal process outsourcing.)

MBWA (See my post of Feb. 12, 2008: management by walking around.).

NDA (See my post of Jan. 7, 2008: non-disclosure agreement.)

NIMBY — not in my backyard

PACER (See my post of Nov. 6, 2008: Purpose, Agenda, Conduct, Expectations, and Roles.)

RACI (See my post of Nov. 23, 2008: responsible, accountable, consulted, informed; and Dec. 1, 2006 #1: RASCI)

RFP (See my post of March 30, 2008: request for proposal with 22 references.)

SMART goals (See my post of April 8, 2005: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely)

SME (See my post of Oct. 2, 2008: subject matter expert.)

SWOT (See my post of Nov. 7, 2007: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.)

TQM (See my post of Oct. 22, 2006: Total Quality Management.)

TRAF: (See my post of Nov. 6, 2006: trash it, respond to it, act on it, or file it.)

UTBMS (See my post of Oct. 15, 2007: Uniform Task Based Management System).