
Law departments have a choice of integrated online settlement and ADR capabilities

Cybersettle, Inc. offers an online dispute resolution service whereby parties to a lawsuit (or dispute) can use the software as a neutral tool to help them reach agreement. Here is another technology for law departments as well as another cottage industry serving law departments (See my post of July 21, 2006 about the cottage industry and references cited.)

A short item in Met. Corp. Counsel, Nov. 2006, at 68 announces Cybersettle’s strategic alliance with the American Arbitration Association (See my posts of Dec. 9, 2006 on ADR-favoring companies; July 20, 2005 on employee disputes and ADR; and Nov. 17, 2006 on mandatory arbitration.). According to the item AAA offers not only traditional conciliation, mediation and arbitration facilities but also “online case management tools.” Cybersettle and AAA will link their online services.