
Invitation to provide useful data about LEDES, the leading e-billing standard format

Patrick Hurley, Vice President of the LEDES Oversight Committee sent me the quoted material below. I urge law department readers to take a few minutes and complete the survey.

“Last year, the LEDES Oversight Committee (LOC) surveyed over 120 law firms regarding the submission of electronic invoices and the back-and-forth communication regarding those invoices until the bill is finally paid. The survey found that these can be extremely painful and resource-intensive processes for law firms. In order to streamline these processes and lessen some of the burden and difficulties law firms face in the ever-expanding use of electronic invoicing in our industry, the LOC is considering developing standards around the communication process. If all vendors involved in the process utilized the same protocols for submitting invoices, acknowledging receipt and communicating problems, much of the process could be fully-automated, reducing the additional resource requirements of law firms and general overhead expense of same.

The LOC would like input from corporate counsel legal departments. Please take a few moments to fill out the survey accessed by clicking the link below. The survey is brief and shouldn’t take more than a few minutes to complete. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. Here is the URL for the survey:

If you are interested in participating more actively with the LOC on this or any other issue surrounding electronic invoicing in the legal industry, please visit LEDES.“