Privileged to review a copy of the Aug. 201 MarketView Report of Hyperion Research, “e-Billing and Matter Management Systems for Corporations,” I will write a few blog posts. This post covers several thoughts.
First, the 76-page report offers huge value since it not only analyzes the market for licensed packages – more than two dozen of them – it also narrows down that large group to more manageable smaller sets.
Second, it lays out an eight-part framework for what to evaluate when you look at matter management and e-billing systems. That framework and other material in the report will also help how you conduct demos.
Third, the level of detail provided in the Hyperion report could certainly reduce the value of consultants, but consultants would still bring value to sort through the facts of a law department and conduct a competitive proposal process.
Fourth, the information in the report does not date quickly. An annual review of the state of the market will probably suffice for this gradual-change industry.
[Disclaimer: I know both founders and it is possible that we will do some things together jointly.]