
How training is delivered, at least in major consulting firms

Of seven methods of consultant training reported on in Consulting, Vol. 9, Nov./Dec. 2007 at 47, the most common, accounting for 32 percent, is “formal in-house training.” I doubt that law departments conduct formal training programs for their lawyers, except possibly writing skills or negotiation skills (See my posts of Sept. 21, 2005 on writing programs; and Feb. 10, 2007 on negotiation skills.).

The next most common method is “professional workshops” (21%), which seems to have no counterpart for law departments (But see my post of Nov. 18, 2007 and its nod to appellate advocacy training.). Perhaps, however, CLE course fall into this category (See my post of Dec. 17, 2007 and references cited.).

Third, at 17 percent, are “e-learning online courses,” which again seem unlikely to apply to in-house counsel. “Informal learning” (11%) accounts for much more of the percentage of learning for lawyers — on the job training (See my post of Dec. 22, 2006 about the prior year’s survey and my comment about OJT.). Most lawyers learn most of what they know by observing and doing.

The remaining methods for training consultants are “software computer learning” (7% for the consultants but non-existent for corporate lawyers), “university courses/academic workshops” (7% — see my post of April 12, 2006 about such courses for lawyers.), and “other.” Might “other” include reading?