
Functions reporting into the legal department of Brazilian companies

Although I don’t speak Portuguese, I hope I correctly translated a post on the LinkedIn site of FDJUR, hosted by Jose Nilton Cardoso. He asked the group’s members a question along these lines. “The structure of the law department in your company might include other functions. Of the following, where you can check more than one, which functions fall under the law department?” 35 respondents marked a total of 78 items from the multiple choice list (the Portuguese is in brackets).

Government Relations [Relações Governamentais/Institucionais] 13 (37%)
Government RFP bids [Licitações] 13 (37%)
Compliance: 22 (63%)
Corporate Governance [Governança Corporativa] 16 (46%)
Human Resources [Recursos Humanos] 2 (6%)
Other [Outras] 12 (34%)

Nothing remarkable about compliance, corporate governance, and government procurement. In fact, the omission of litigation would be odd. But government relations and HR are unusual for US law departments.

For those who want to check my translation, here is the text. “Na estrutura do Departamento Jurídico da sua empresa existem outras áreas/temas que são comandadas pelo head do Jurídico? Lembre-se que você pode assinalar mais de uma opção. (78 itens marcados por 35 Respondentes, média de 2,22 opções preenchidas por respondente)”