
Four years of creating

Today is the fourth anniversary of this blog and it began with 4,053 posts.. As has been my custom each year, herewith a retrospective (See my post of Feb. 20, 2006: one year and 1,000 posts; Feb. 20, 2007: retrospective on second anniversary; and Feb. 25, 2008: third birthday of the blog.).

Blook. A post early this year announced my first blook (blog book), on outside counsel management. The blook organizes and comments on almost 500 posts.

Embedded Metaposts. Starting on Feb. 3, 2008, I began publishing collections of six or more posts on the same topic as metaposts (See my post of Feb. 6, 2009: 240 metaposts.). I have now accumulated and published 25 collections of them for a total of 250 embedded metaposts. Citations to the metaposts dot my recent writings. Even a couple of hyper-posts have appeared, posts with more than five metaposts. Where will it all end?

Articles online. During this past year, I have posted nearly all of the 40-plus articles I have written during the past five years (See my post of Feb. 12, 2009: 38 articles on my website.). My goal is to integrate articles and metaposts.

One thousand posts in the past year. Prolific, yes? Yet I realize as I write that my chosen format – 2-3 paragraphs with a source and an observation or two – does not let me wrestle deeply with topics. On the other hand, if you write haiku, you learn to condense. Articles provide an outlet for a more extended discussion. Also, I have tried several series of posts this year and intend to do more of that.

Readership. Several somethings clicked (pun intended) at the start of this year. My page views during business days have jumped from about 200 to 500 and more while my visitor numbers have breached 250 regularly. Many more sources are leading visitors to this site (See my post Jan. 25, 2009: some of the ways readers find this blog.). My website has been one of the referral sources.

This coming year I intend to involve more guest authors, publish more blooks, and integrate my backward and forward post references.