
Flexible staff arrangements available to law departments

How do I staff thee? Let me count the ways.

In addition to full-time employees, law departments can have

(1) part-time employees;
(2) offshore support (See my post of Nov. 14, 2005 regarding off-shoring.);
(3) staff borrowed from other units (See my post of April 18, 2005 on project managers from clients.);
(4) secondees for law firms (See my post of Sept. 21, 2005 on staff provided by law firms.);
(5) former employees (See my post of Jan. 30,2006 on their use in litigation support.);
(6) contract employees (See my post of March 30, 2006 on contract general counsel.);
(7) temporary staff (See my post of July 14, 2005.);
(8) job sharing (See my post of Dec. 4, 2005 on this and flex-time and flex-place.); and
(9) interns.

What is the difference between contract employees and temporary staff? I think in the former you have a contract with the individual person, whereas with temporary staff you have a contract with the temporary staffing agency which provides their services (See my post of Jan.10, 2006 on the relative costs of some of these choices.).