Researching my book, Client Satisfaction for Law Departments, I concluded that many more law departments measure their clients’ attitudes than measure their employees’ attitudes. Odd, because contented employees are likely to serve their customers (clients) better (or so I surmise). They are more likely to go the extra yard, work with the company longer and thus understand its business better, and create an atmosphere that lures talent to join and stay.
In fact, a general counsel can do more to increase the work-life enjoyment within the department than to bring smiles to the faces of clients. Also, client surveys are an imposition, while asking members of the department to give feedback about criticisms and kudos may well appeal to them. They get to voice their displeasures and perhaps improve their working conditions. Thus, I remain perplexed about the imbalance in frequency of the two kinds of satisfaction surveys. The explanation may be that law department managers see more payoff from pleasing their clients than themselves.