
Dominance of British Magic Circle law firms among the posts on this blawg

Five huge law firms comprise the “Magic Circle,” the superordinant firms of London. With thousands of lawyers each and global footprints, it is not surprising that many posts on this blog refer to these impressive law firms. I wondered how many times its five members have made this blawq and for what reason. As detailed below, 21 posts refer to them, of which 13 have to do with a topic related to law department management and eight have to do with appointments to panels (See my post of Dec. 12, 2006 about how British companies disclose the results of their panel selections.).

Eversheds leads the pack by a good distance, with eight posts that refer to the firm (See my post of June 18, 2007 with references cited.). Moreover, among those posts, seven concern initiatives that may appeal to law departments and one is a panel selection. This is a firm with a progressive understanding of inside-outside relationships.

Allen & Overy has five mentions, two with a management perspective and three about panel decisions (See my posts of July 20, 2005 on its disclosure of its financials; Oct. 17, 2005 on its online banking capabilities; Nov. 19, 2005 on the firm being dropped from Serco’s panel; March 30, 2006 on its admission to Societe General’s panel; and May 9, 2007 on its role on Northrop-Grumman’s panel in Europe.).

Clifford Chance has four mentions, three in management areas (See my posts of Oct. 17, 2005 on its NextLaw offering; April 18, 2005 about its Clifford Chance Centre for the Management of Professional Services Firms [Said Business School, Oxford]; April 8, 2007 about its rule-based drafting software); and March 30, 2006 on its admission to Societe General’s panel.).

Linklaters has only two mentions, one of which is a panel appointment (See my posts of Oct. 17, 2005 on its Blue Flag software; and March 30, 2006 on its admission to Societe General’s panel.).

Freshfields has but two meager mentions, neither of which has to do with law department management (April 18, 2005 about having more than 1,000 lawyers; and March 30, 2006 on its admission to Societe General’s panel.).