
Does your pay matter to you and do you want to compare yours to others? A chorus of “Yes!”, so here is another online salary site

My two recent posts on salary data from online sources drew tremendous responses as judge by click thoughts (See my post of Jan. 13, 2011:; and Jan. 18, 2011: Robert Half International.). Just maybe what in-house lawyers earn has some interest?

To research I went and found the Internet Legal Research Group site. It provides data on salary ranges for in-house lawyers, paralegals and legal secretaries. Each of those levels has three or four breakdowns by years of experience. For example, one is a lawyer with 10-12 years of experience and it showed a range of $128,250 to $218,000.

At the bottom of the webpage there is a slew of data on how to make regional adjustments. If you multiply the range by the adjustment most appropriate for you, the result is a range closer to your own situation.

Elsewhere I mentioned a third online source of salary data (See my post of Nov. 21, 2005: Salary Wizard shows 25th quartile, median, and 75th quartile data.).